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Чт янв 16, 2025 12:33 pm

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Season 7: Witchcraft Powers
While Dorian the raven is a delightful new addition, the true star of Season 7 is the array of Witchcraft Powers. This season introduces 25 new abilities, many of which echo the summoner-style playstyle that Diablo 3’s Witch Doctor fans may recognize. Some of these powers include:

Poison Frog Servant: A cute (and deadly) little helper that assists in combat.
Firebat Servants: Summons fiery minions to Diablo IV Gold deal damage.
Piranhado: A whimsical, yet destructive power that unleashes swarming piranhas on enemies.
With these powers, it feels like Blizzard is subtly bringing back the spirit of the summoner playstyle in Diablo 4, adding fresh strategies and Diablo IV Gold for sale ways to engage with the game.

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