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Чт дек 12, 2024 11:09 am

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Each class in Diablo 4 offers a unique experience, but none quite match the awe of commanding an army of skeletons as the Necromancer. This class employs the distinctive "Book of the Dead" mechanism to facilitate summoning a range of creatures, including the Golem, the Necromancer's formidable minion. Yet, summoning a golem is more intricate than anticipated, differing from conventional skills.

This guide will elucidate the process of unlocking and summoning a golem as a Necromancer in Diablo 4.

Unlocking Your Golem:

Upon commencing your journey as a Necromancer, you will discover an additional skill on your action bar that enables summoning skeletons for combat support. Through the Book of the Diablo 4 Gold Dead interface, you can customize these minions and ultimately gain the ability to summon a golem to join your ranks.

To access the golem summon, you must attain level 25 on your Necromancer character. If you have not yet reached this level, focus on leveling up before revisiting this guide. Upon reaching level 25, you will trigger a quest named "Call of the Underworld." Successfully completing this brief mission will unlock the golem summon in your Book of the Dead.

Summoning Your Golem:

To effectively summon the golem, you must allocate the Golem ability to your action bar. Navigate to the skill tree and select the "skill assignment" option to access the skill menu. Towards the bottom of the available skills, locate the unique summon abilities tailored for the Necromancer.

Upon assigning the Golem ability to your bar, the Diablo IV Items for sale imposing figure of the golem will manifest beside your character. Removing the ability from your bar will result in the golem's demise.

When summoning the golem, leverage the Book of the Dead to personalize and imbue it with various effects. Remember that if you opt not to utilize the Golem ability, you should sacrifice the summon in the Book of the Dead to obtain significant benefits such as heightened health or attack speed.

Every class in Diablo 4 offers a distinct gameplay style, and the Barbarian introduces a unique Arsenal mechanic that enables wielding up to four weapons simultaneously, facilitating seamless swaps between them during gameplay. This feature not only adds thematic richness but also significantly influences the Barbarian's combat strategy. Notably, players can allocate specific skills to utilize particular weapon types, thereby leveraging exclusive passives and abilities.

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